miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

Dos piedras tiradas en un estanque.



Many people attack the Bible very unfairly in my opinion. Most people are, usually, people who have not even had the book in their hands. Others may have read the first and said, what nonsense! And have left it on a shelf. Others have perused its pages and as one passes a magazine looking for pictures and have thought, I have to read all this? No. I know enough about what I have heard of it and don't believe anything it says this book because some people, who seem to have authority, say that. There are many positions and values for that book... Possibly as many as people exist. And each person has a particular and personal concept about things.

I just I can tell you, mine.

We live atop a ball, spinning through space around a large sun that illuminates us. And at night, when we need sleep and our sight doesn't work properly, a moon accompanies us. A moon that plays to the slits and to the arcs and the segments or to be a sun . During the day we are just unable to look at the sun as it leaves us blind. But moon lets it look, debases you, makes you dream about its shapes and shadows. You can appreciate its silhouette and believe you discover its form and surface. Some days can be seen and other hides. 

So are our dreams, our fantasies, our fears and sufferings.

But we see more. We see clouds and storms and water that falls from the sky and fire that comes from the earth and some feel as the earth trembles and makes us move. We feel the wind, what pushes us in one direction or another. We also see other lights at night. We see stars, small dots that glow. And if the night is dark enough, you can see as a path of dots. As a way of light.

But you need a break from so much thing we see. And the next day, you just remember what existed or what you thought and what you saw and thought, already is not what you saw and thought if not akin. But things are repeated. And after a few days or a while, you back to see what you saw or think you've seen the same thing you saw. And so one day, and another and another and another. And you need to eat and sleep and ****. And you feel cold and a thousand other things.

So you grow up and sick and die. And, of all that you were, nothing remains more than the ground you walk.

So, if somehow our ancestors, after all this, managed to survive and make their children's children would grow and populate the earth and get writing and keep the memory of all that happened to them, because one day they could open their eyes and had to do it with good will and without malice as some think. As are so many hardships that the human suffering they would not stop writing something that was more than in the common interest. Because at that time should not have been so prejudiced and as many problems as there are now. Then find a similar and like you, would be rare. And come to understand and be able to conclude things between them and saw what things were true, it would be still more. And that truth and knowledge was passed from generation to generation. And taking note of the things they produce discomfort and pain. And of the things that caused the unexplained death.

And all those things, their names, their families and customs, their decisions, their sorrows and joys, somehow, ended up written in a book.

But to all these things, which are no few, still accompanied some more mysteries. Because, by things of life, some other groups split and some grew away from others. And some looked at the sun and their eyes become as slanted because they maybe were walking everyday towards the sun rises , and others went to find where Sun was hiding and their skin became smoky color like orange sunset, and others went into the cold to see if they could find the source of this cold mystery and they turn like whitish because this was their decision and others stayed in the sun, in the middle and stayed there so long that they became as dark because so much sun.

And so on. And another day, and another day, and another day.

And, in the manner that has been, some of them all might see directly part of all these mysteries. And others might leave written even more things about all these mysteries. And people talked about them and had great shock between them, because some of them could do amazing things even for us now. Such buildings left on the ground looking up at the stars and at those points of light that made them keep going and going around the earth because some of them decided to follow the way. And the power of the will, and follow the way, "the way" is not less. The way is there, somehow, the way Is There and Is. So, that power and decision to follow the way, was so great, that happened the things that happened or things like that or similar. And so were written.

Because, although we doubt, some things remain and those things that remain make doubts dissipate.
So this must have been, more or less, and as we die and are born, the children of the children of the children decided to rest and get to see some comforting and rich area and they decided to stay and remain. And all these adventures and others were written and remained with the same determination that they had done all these things. And so we live and we die, and other folks and other people who decided to do other things were also there. On the face of the earth.

But those few of the last witnesses of the great things yet unexplained for us today, witnessed yet more mysteries. 

And among them appeared one they called Jesus, and among all this confusion and different interpretations of that on the whole story was each and every people on the face of the earth, it turned out that that man returned to make amazing things or so it seemed, to those who lived with him. And it appears that his word was true and comforting and made people feel happiness and understand that everything that happened to them was nothing more than part of a way of light.

And he was punished and scolded like no other for such blasphemy so it seemed he says or people said that he was the son of God. No one remembered any of it, the beginning of the way. Nobody remembered that we were all children of the light.

And well or similarly all this was written.

And messages like forgiveness and love came back to resurge or appeared, because someone or he decided to put all the sins or faults or defects of men on their backs.
So, all this and more was written. Because the light remains and is and is leading the way and has marked it and we follow it. And we are still looking at the light. No more destination for living man.

Because, you know what? Because we look from darkness to light. 

But even that, that you can see it when you look yourself in a mirror or when you see any other eyes, is not entirely true. 

So great is the mystery.

So, if you love someone and you love her/him in truth, do you think someone has the power or right to ask explanation for it to you?

But remember all the written, because the written in some form or another, is true.

Is all this true? Or is it all a lie?

Only you, if you seek in truth the truth, can find it, because each of us has truth inside.

So, this, is a little part of history to me."

(Quizás aquellos blancos se tornaron así pues estaban a la sombra. Quizás a la sombra de las nubes y mirando la lluvia y el agua, algunos ojos se tornaron azules.)



"These are pictures of the moon and its craters. Photos colored according to elevation. 
Blue and green indicate low elevations and yellow and orange color the higher elevations.

These colored images have been published recently (months ago) and each of them shows different aspects of the moon. Some show the topography, mineralogy of the surface, or say, take into account the moon's gravitational field according to their masses.

Far side of the Moon

Lunar gravity field map.

The Mineral Moon

They all can serve to visualize more concretely and fine its craters and surface.

Also one of the more recent theories tells us that a similar sized planet to Mars struck/crashed the ancient Earth, and due that impact, the moon was formed. There is a video made with supercomputers to simulate this collision, generating gravitational fields  and particles disintegrate and come together again with the remains of the impact in order such possibility seems real. (I personally have seen the video and it's very beautiful but must say that the simulation not only does not prove that theory, but it completely contradicts. But let's leave this for the end). 

Here some images of this:

Let's see other images on craters on different planets and around the universe that we see.

Mars Olympus Mons 

More images. Is needed many images. I'm sorry.

This is very interesting:

On Mars:


On Mercury:

Mimas Cassini

Rembrant crater messenger

Mercury north pole craters:

Rhea Cassini

And some craters of volcanoes from space.

Borneo islands

Galapagos Islands

More more. Much more. This is too much important.

Licancabur and Juriques volcanoes, on the Bolivia-Chile

Nabro Volcano

Nemrut Vulcano

Funny how looking images of craters, some people compare them with other things. 

And you can watch here explanatory videos published by NASA on the formation of craters on the moon and other things related. As you can hear and see, all made with a wealth of technical, deep voice, manly and convincing telling all these processes.

NASA: Evolution of the Moon

NASA | Counting Craters on the Moon (on topography)

NASA: A Narrated Tour of the Moon

Animation of Collision that Formed the Earth and Moon ( Or the wildest theory never intended)

Moon Formation From Collision With Earth  (Another one on the same crazy theory. No matter how many resources we spend to try to prove anything wrong.)

Moon origin. (And another one. Stay tuned here to the voice narrating and music. This time even with the testimony of some scientist.)

And this. 
The Moon's Linné Crater - Geology's Perfect Hole | NASA GSFC LROC Space Science HD Video

(I took some pictures on this video to talk later on them.)*

Well. All this,  almost all of this, is wrong.

All this is wrong. Wrong!


This is not so. 

Before being scientific, has to have eyes in the face and perhaps ever cook a tomato sauce. 

Let's see. What is the first thing that catches our attention when we look at all those craters on the moon and other planets?
That about 99 percent of all of them, if not all of them, are circular. They all have a round shape.
They are almost round.

How is this possible? We see a video made by NASA that explains how were formed all those craters of the moon due to the incessant bombardment of meteorites, asteroids and other celestial bodies.

How is this possible I wonder?
They all fell perpendicularly? They all fell perpendicular to the surface of the planets. More than 99 percent of them fell perpendicular to the surface? All of them? All of them, all asteroids fell perpendicularly to create these circles? How is it that in this cosmic maelstrom and randomness all fall perpendicular to the surface of the planets?
Only a numbered, limited and studied cases fell diagonally? What is the speed of an asteroid or comet in space? Perhaps its speed is not important enough for its astral path has and is an important factor in all of these impacts?
They fell like ripe apples and half rotten from the tree of apples? 

So, as it is impossible that all of them fall perpendicularly to form such beautiful and almost perfect circles, the answer cannot be other than a different one.

Let's see now other images of things happening on our planet:

And more.

As you may have thought any longer, there is great similarity between certain processes producing very similar final results.

Of all these images and so many other proof that can be provided, there is no other answer than to think that in a primal boiling process, in the first moments of creation, the planets and all heavenly bodies in such higher boiled in such extent and speed that generated the mass that formed them (E = mc2 what follows that M = E/c2 well knowing a body-mass we know which is the energy required to form it)

From this we can deduce that likewise there was no Big Bang, if not a Multi Bang since the Big Bang theory is highly improvable due to the size of the known universe, due to the way of expansion or contraction, due to the collision between galaxies, due to background radiation (so as can see clearly here  [URL=http://imgur.com/2HIDhpb][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/2HIDhpb.jpg[/IMG][/URL] that there is no central point to corroborating Big Bang Theory and yes more possibly a Multi Bang)and so many other things that can be provided as evidence.

Another interesting and obvious example of an error it brings Saturn's moon called Hyperion.

This is an image of Hyperion taken by the Cassini probe.

And one more:

Now let's see a well-known material on Earth called pumice. 

From Wikipedia about Hyperion shape and physical characteristics: "A possible explanation for the irregular shape is that Hyperion is a fragment of a larger body that was broken by a large impact in the distant past. A proto-Hyperion could have been from 350 to 1000 km in diameterOver about 1,000 years, ejecta from a presumed Hyperion breakup would have impacted Titan at low speeds building up volatiles in the atmosphere of Titan."

From Wikipedia: "Pumice is created when super-heated, highly pressurized rock is violently ejected from a volcano. The unusual foamy configuration of pumice happens because of simultaneous rapid cooling and rapid depressurization. The depressurization creates bubbles by lowering the solubility of gases (including water and CO2) that are dissolved in the lava, causing the gases to rapidly exsolve (like the bubbles of CO2 that appear when a carbonated drink is opened). The simultaneous cooling and depressurization freezes the bubbles in the matrix."

This explanation is highly explanatory between size and different materials and temperatures between formation thereof.

So it seems that because of these great similarities can say that Hyperion is nothing but a big rock with a strong resemblance to the pumice ejected by a volcano.

So returning to the Moon, too, we can deduce that the difference between the visible and the hidden side of our Moon relative to its craters may be due to the proximity of the Earth with respect to one side, and given also the very particular characteristics of our planet, making thus the face close to us had a slower process and less abrupt cooling than far and dark side, because this last looks at the space and did not receive the particular warmth of our planet at that time/moment, if not a cold which made its heat crystallize much more sudden, thus, to be formed as many craters and higher elevation. 

On the The Moon's Linné Crater - Geology's Perfect Hole | NASA GSFC LROC Space Science HD Video and those images:

The shape of this particular crater is not due to the passage of time, or wear, or anything, but the difference in density of the lunar surface and space. At the time of that sudden boiling and cooling the bubble occupying the place of that crater could not help but be constrained by the density of lunar materials forming the conical shape. Leaving there and forming cosmic dust and other materials by size. Some of them falling on the surface of the moon itself, in this case, or in others, depending on size and features, creating asteroids, comets and other bodies that populate the space.

All this may sound pretentious, but it is only the attempt to forge a future based on truths sooner the better."

(And answering to someone:)


I don't know what answer you. I had no thought of formulating a theory about the creation of the universe at this time. I cannot deny that I have thought about it many times.

Also I will try to explain what I opine, but as you can imagine this can be tricky to get to me even in my native language, will try my best. You should also note that I don't have all the data.

For me there is a factor, in my understanding, decisive in all this.

This is the temperature.
As a result of this decisive factor, thermodynamics and its principles. 
So, given the impossibility of absolute zero, everything else.
If we were able to devise a universal absolute zero temperature, we can determine the "static" of all this mystery that surrounds us.
Not only would not be/exist, movement, otherwise there would be no energy or time. Thus, from this beginning of nothing and perfect impossibility of inconceivable crystallization emanates the rest. I speak of perfection, as is determining conceive something perfect and equally inconceivable to raise any subsequent thought.
So, how is this possible? For energy transfer. But this is not understood as a result of one and only point of creation but in everything created.

I know there must be many mistakes in this that I propose now, I'mm trying to do it only from a scientific point of view for the sake of not being labeled as an absurd believer by the more repressive wing of the human mind. 

I'm a cobard.

Still can be easy to understand certain concepts without the word love.

We could imagine a room full of balloons of different sizes randomly distributed through the space of a room. 

These balloons (planets, stars, celestial bodies) have certain characteristics, have been placed in a seemingly random position, size increased sharply (Creation), have transformed the nature of their environment (the air in the room, the space universe) but also possess a atracación power with respect to other objects (gravity) as well as features that combine in sets (planetary systems, galaxies,...) forming different and varied orbitals configurations.

From all this, plus the above, it follows that the expansion of the Universe is the explanation of the first creative moment where the balloons were inflated. This conclusion can conjecture following that the farther we look in the universe faster objects seem to move away because we look to the past. But if we look at the near, our sun for example, this distance does not seem to vary, but remains constant. In addition, collisions between galaxies and other celestial bodies informs us of the gravity of the heavenly bodies and the aparently randomness of their creative process and subsequent movement. Well, not all of these emerge from a point, but each one of them or group of them, seem to have their own particular characteristics yet all belonging to the same creative act.

That's because I call it Multi Bang, because I firmly believe that all emerged simultaneously in its different configurations, where such long distances from each other and in such magnitude, or inconceivable greatness and infinite number.

Thus that image of the background radiation can be conceived craters and its thermodynamics transfers. Can be understood the cold space, stars or suns emanating and radiating heat, or a simple seed from which a plant is born. As everything comes from the inside out but each in its place and not all from a point because this point is all.

This way of conceiving the universe explains many enigmas such as the internal heat of the stars, their arrangement and orbits the similarities between basic elements of matter and galaxies or many other things. Because some things indicate that these processes are repeated, seemingly to infinity but with an end in each of them in every process of the universe we can look.

As you can see, there are patterns that are repeated constantly. As a fractal evolution that goes from something small or big to something big or small, and so on. It seems to be from the small to the big and to the small.

But all this spinning, and moves and is created and that it seems that encloses a long spiral staircase called DNA is simply something defective and wrong, because that first principle of which I speak, seems to contain an absolute zero, as something unreachable, meaning righteousness, order and rest. So nothing. But as Nothing cannot be because something Is, so This."


Y claro, todo esto pone muy nervioso a según que unos. La comunidad científica no quiere dejarse pisar por  nadie y menos por un mequetrefe insignificante. Tanto dinero, tantos proyectos subvencionados, tantos millones de dólares asignados a una búsqueda infructuosa en muchos casos pero aún así respaldados por las supuestas mentes priviligeiadas de la sociedad actual.

Dejadme que os muestre otro video. Este es cortito.

Esto es lo que he intentado hacer aquí y lo que se demuestra viendo algunos de esos otros videos publicados por la Nasa o compañías afines de científicos: Que son erroneos.

Pero todo esto, ¿Por qué?
Porque vivimos en un Universo Creativo. Porque nuestro Universo es Creativo. Por las cosas son y han sido Creadas.
Las cosas, señores, las cosas no se destruyen y luego se crean por el paso de los miles y millones de años. Las cosas se Crean. Se crean impulsadas por la necesidad de las circunstancias. Y se destruyen porque han sido creadas.

El proceso no es destrucción-creación-destrucción. Si no, en todo caso, Creación-Destrucción-Creación.

Díganme ustedes, `pregunten a sus ojos y a su razón si en estas imágenes tomadas por sus impresionantes presupuestos científicos, ven ustedes creación o destrucción:

¡Es que esto es muy importante! Demasiado importante para dejarlo pasar. En todos estas imágenes, en todo lo que nos rodea está implícito el proceso Creativo.¿Dónde están sus leyes sobre la entropía?¿Dónde su ciencia, si la evidencia es tan evidente? Algunos, en su afán por destruir el conocimiento y el legado de nuestros ancestros, quieren pasar por encima de lo obvio.

No me importa escribir esto y quedar como un lerdo ignorante para algunos, no me importa dejar escrito todo esto de tal forma. No me importa leer esto después de un tiempo y pensar que fuí un impetuoso arrogante maleducado o lo que quieran pensar algunos sobre mí.  
Sólo la posibilidad de que todo esté creado de dentro hacia afuera y de que todo esto sea cierto, vale la pena.

¡Pero hay tantas cosas! 
Ya estoy frío para hablar de todo esto. 
Lo de que la Luna fué creada a partír de un meteorito o pequeño planeta errante que chocó con la Tierra hace millones de años, es algo que clama al cielo por su entera inconsistencia. Hoy leo, que parece ser que algunos comienzan no pensar de esa forma.  También leí ayer sobre la estructura de Richat.  

¿Cómo no? Siempre parece que son meteoritos que chocan con todo. Meteoritos que crean planetas y estructuras mayores. Esa es la base y fundamento de la teoría del Big Bang. Todo desmenuzado que por arte de birlibirloque y con el paso de miles y miles de millones de años crean las galaxias, los planetas y lo crean todo. ¡Mira que bonito! 
Luego, llegan a conclusiones como: "No sabemos" "Parece ser..." "Aparentemente es algo endógeno..."
Yo tampoco sé, pero mis ojos y mi razón y todo lo que nos enseña este mundo me indica otras cosas.
Su imagen sobre la radiación de fondo en el Universo, es suficientemente explícita para rebatir una teoría como el Big Bang y formular una nueva como el Multi Bang. Las galaxias, los Planetas y toda estructura con la suficiente fuerza energética para producir Gravedad, parece ser digna de ser considerada parte creativa del universo y nó como una gigantesca sopa de átomos que se van combinando para formar y crear una estrella con planetas a su alrededor.

Y la temperatura, y los fotones, y las ondas. Las ondas y el hecho de que todo en este universo sea una onda, de que nada esté en linea recta ni sea recto ni preciso. Y el infinito y todo lo que encierra. El infinito matemático. El infinito físico. Y el "¿Quién enderecerá lo torcido?" Y el tantas y tantas otras cosas.
Sólo pido que miren de nuevo todas estas fotos otra vez. Que ojeen todas esas imágenes de nuevo y vuelvan a pensar.